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Houper metal detector, part number HOU-WM6010, is important in entrances and public places. It prevents all kinds of hot and cold weapons such as guns, knives, ammunition and grenades to be carried into such places. The metal detector has an LCD display that acts as an interface between the user and the device. It displays information of metal detection in a clear and understandable manner. Boot self-check function is an important feature that allows the device to check itself during startup. It detects any errors or technical problems. In this device, each area has a sensor that is sensitive to the electrical signal of metals. When a metal is placed in one of the areas, the electrical signal changes and the device reacts to the presence of the metal.

Houper Metal detector, part number HOU-WM6011, is a security tool that is used in public places and entrances to detect firearms and cold weapons. The metal detector is equipped with 24 detection zone technology that can detect small and more sensitive metal objects. By dividing the areas into smaller sections, the metal detector can detect small changes in the output signals and thus detect smaller metal objects. In addition, it has sensitivity technology, which means the possibility of adjusting the sensitivity of the device and detecting metal objects in large and small dimensions. The user can set the access level and choose a password to put the device in a safe mode, and prevent unauthorized access and misuse of the device.

Houper X-ray baggage scanner part number HOU-XB5001 is used in public places, especially in airports, train stations and hospitals, in order to provide security, and prevent dangerous objects from carrying into such places. X-ray baggage scanner benefit from X-ray technology to scan and check the contents of passengers\' luggage. It is also equipped with Single energy technology, meaning it sends a single level of X-rays energy to the objects inside the luggage or bag. It also has the capability of Digital Signal and Processor (DSP), which is used to process digital signals. X-ray baggage scanner has advanced imaging algorithms, Mage Recall, which can identify objects that are unrecognizable by humans.

Houper X-ray baggage scanner, part number HOU-XB5005, is used in public places, especially in airports, train stations and hospitals, in order to maintain security, and prevent dangerous objects from carrying to such places. X-ray baggage scanner is equipped with double energy capability, meaning it benefits from two different energy sources in the x-ray scanning system technology. In this technology, two sources of energy with different spectra of X-rays are used. The energy sources usually include low-energy X-rays and high-energy X-rays. In addition, using a digital signal, it converts the information received from the X-ray to a digital signal. Then, analyzes the signals using a processor.

Houper X-ray baggage scanner, part number HOU-XB5010 is used in public places, especially in airports, train stations and hospitals, in order to maintain security, and prevent dangerous objects to be carried into such places. Houper X-ray baggage scanner is equipped with double energy technology, which means it can benefit from two different energy levels the simultaneously to detect objects inside luggage and equipment. Using this technology, it can analyze materials with high accuracy, and detect prohibited objects, weapons, explosives and other dangerous substances. It also has a 17-inch screen that allows the operator to carefully review images and identify suspicious objects. It has Mage Archive technology, to manage and store X-ray images.

Houper X-ray baggage scanner, part number HOU-XB5010 is used in public places, especially in airports, train stations and hospitals, in order to provide security and prevent dangerous objects to be carried into such places. Houper X-ray baggage scanner is equipped with double energy technology, meaning it benefits from two different energy sources to scan luggage and waybills. In addition, it has two screens that simultaneously display images from two different angles of bags and loads. Using stripping technology, it removes different layers of the bag to access the inner contents. It has a process to analyze the images created by the X-ray baggage scanner with the help of advanced algorithms. Using such algorithms, blind spots of the image are detected and removed automatically.

Houper X-ray baggage scanner, part number HOU-XB5021 is used in public places, especially in airports, train stations and hospitals, in order to provide security, and prevent dangerous objects to be carried into such places. It is equipped with double energy technology. The technology allows the simultaneous radiation of two different types of X-ray energy on objects. In addition, it has an energy saving design technology to reduce the energy consumption of the device. Such technologies include the optimal design of systems, the use of high-performance electronic components, and renewable energy sources such as solar cells and rechargeable batteries. It can detect the potential problems and errors in the system using advanced data analysis techniques and intelligent algorithms.

The architecture of the DuoTek Rack system offers centralized signal processing and eliminates the need to have active electronic modules installed in the eld. Signals generated by the VibraTek Plus sensor cables are routed to the  DuoTek Rack analyzer system using simple and reliable twisted pair cables. This capability means that there is no requirement to install power or alarm communication cabling along the perimeter as all signal processing and alarm communications are controlled by a DuoTek Rack system which can be located at one central point on the site where the necessary infrastructure already exists. DuoTek Rack´s architecture contrasts with systems offering distributed signal processing where the sensor cable signal analyzers are placed at regular intervals along the site perimeter.