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    The VibraFon® wall protection system from Detection Technologies closes a significant gap in the perimeter intrusion detection system marketplace by providing a solution specifically designed to protect walls which form all, or part of, the perimeter of a secure site. The VibraFon® system utilises point sensors capable of detecting mechanical vibration transmitted along the wall as an intruder (or escapee) attempts to climb over or break through the wall. These point sensors are deployed along the wall at intervals of typically 3 metres and are interconnected to form an interlaced phased sensor array capable of detecting hostile activity occurring on the structure of the wall. 

    The VibraFon® wall protection system from Detection Technologies closes a significant gap in the perimeter intrusion detection system marketplace by providing a solution specifically designed to protect walls which form all, or part of, the perimeter of a secure site. The VibraFon® system utilises point sensors capable of detecting mechanical vibration transmitted along the wall as an intruder (or escapee) attempts to climb over or break through the wall. These point sensors are deployed along the wall at intervals of typically 3 metres and are interconnected to form an interlaced phased sensor array capable of detecting hostile activity occurring on the structure of the wall. 

    The architecture of the DuoTek Rack system offers centralized signal processing and eliminates the need to have active electronic modules installed in the eld. Signals generated by the VibraTek Plus sensor cables are routed to the  DuoTek Rack analyzer system using simple and reliable twisted pair cables. This capability means that there is no requirement to install power or alarm communication cabling along the perimeter as all signal processing and alarm communications are controlled by a DuoTek Rack system which can be located at one central point on the site where the necessary infrastructure already exists. DuoTek Rack´s architecture contrasts with systems offering distributed signal processing where the sensor cable signal analyzers are placed at regular intervals along the site perimeter.