VibraFon-Analyser Single zone and up to 80m wall detection
  • VibraFon-Analyser Single zone and up to 80m wall detection

VibraFon-Analyser Dual zone analyser and up to 160m wall detection


The VibraFon® wall protection system from Detection Technologies closes a significant gap in the perimeter intrusion detection system marketplace by providing a solution specifically designed to protect walls which form all, or part of, the perimeter of a secure site. The VibraFon® system utilises point sensors capable of detecting mechanical vibration transmitted along the wall as an intruder (or escapee) attempts to climb over or break through the wall. These point sensors are deployed along the wall at intervals of typically 3 metres and are interconnected to form an interlaced phased sensor array capable of detecting hostile activity occurring on the structure of the wall. 


Examples of such hostile activities might include unaided climbing, rope or ladder aided climbing, drilling, chiselling, or digging under the wall. Historically, protection of perimeter walls has relied on technologies such as active / passive infra-red detection, microwave detection, video motion detection, or systems requiring additional structures such as fences to be attached to the wall to achieve detection.

VibraFon® offers significant advantages over such technologies in that it is virtually covert and causes minimal aesthetic impact, it requires no power distribution along the perimeter wall, it is not limited to straight lines of detection as are infra-red, microwave, and video detection technologies, and it requires no maintenance of sterile areas adjacent to the wall. Furthermore, as it forms an integral part of the perimeter wall structure, VibraFon® provides detection of hostile activity before the intruder manages to breach or climb over the wall. As all security professionals are aware, early detection of hostile activity reduces the probability of loss or damage as a result of the activity.

microphonic analyser
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