6844(RC)-SUB semi-modular SUB-Master system
  • 6844(RC)-SUB semi-modular SUB-Master system
  • 6844(RC)-SUB semi-modular SUB-Master system
  • 6844(RC)-SUB semi-modular SUB-Master system
  • 6844(RC)-SUB semi-modular SUB-Master system

6844(RC)-SUB semi-modular SUB-Master system


System 6844(RC)-SUB is a semi-modular SUB-Master system. It is produced in 1 to 3 units based on customer requests. You can benefit from hopf Master/Slave Strin signals, PPS pulse, DCF77 pulse (1Hz), IRIG-B and NTP/SNTP to synchronize the 6844(RC)-SUB system. The device has a screen and a keyboard. By running up to two (2) NTP LAN Board 7273 (RC) or NTP LAN Board(s) 7274 (RC), the 6844SUB system becomes a highly accurate NTP Stratum 1 time server for synchronizing computers and industrial networks.


Sub-Master (Slave) Clock System 6844(RC)-SUB

System 6844(RC)-SUB is a semi-modular SUB-Master System. Following signals (in some cases in combination with appropriate synchronization boards) can be used for synchronization of system 6844(RC)-SUB:

  • Serial hopf Master/Slave String from a hopf Master Clock
  • Serial hopf Master/Slave String + PPS pulse from a hopf Master Clock
  • DCF77 pulse (1Hz)
  • DCF77 antenna simulation (77.5kHz)
  • IRIG-B

Basically it consists of the following components:

  • Sub-Master System 6844SUB consisting of
  • Housings available (optionally)
  • 1/2 19" rack (3U/42HP) for mounting into cabinets
  • 1/2 19" table-top housing
  • 1/2 19" wall housing
  • 1/1 19" rack (3U/84HP) for mounting into cabinets
  • 1U Slim Line rack (1U/84HP) for mounting into cabinets
  • Clock board 6844SUB
  • Display and keypad
  • 2 independent serial interfaces COM0/COM1 in RS232/RS422 for output of serial data strings, digital IRIG-B signal (B00x / IEEE C37.118-2005 (formerly IEEE 1344-1995) / AFNOR NF S87-500) or DCF77 pulse
  • Power supply
  • 2 slots for implementation of function boards or rather 2 extension slots (with bus bridge boards) for subsequent extension with function boards. In wall housing: 1 slot for implementation of function boards or rather 1 extension slot

For output of signal outputs required in addition to those available as standard, system 6844SUB can be equipped with function boards. In system 6844SUB a maximum of two (2) function boards for system bus can be operated. When supplying system 6844 without additional function boards two extension slots (with bus bridge boards) for subsequent system extension are implemented.

Exclusion: System 6844SUB in wall housing. This rack version offers just one slot for function boards / bus bridge boards in connection with COM0/COM1. At customer's request system 6844SUB can be supplied with two slots but waiving COM0/COM1.

Applicable for rack versions 1/2 19" rack (3U/42HP) and 1/1 19" rack (3U/84HP): At time of ordering System 6844SUB in such rack versions additional function boards (without system bus) or prepared extension slots for such boards can be implemented.

System 6844RC-SUB / RC Functionality

By activating the Remote Function of board 6844SUB, system 6844SUB turns into a system 6844RC-SUB. As a result board 6844RC-SUB can be parameterized / monitored via the hmc to be connected via a serial RS232 interface and additional internal signal outputs are available. In connection with the LAN Management Board 6844MNG the hmc connection to board 6844RC-SUB can be processed via LAN. The Remote Function performed is limited to board 6844RC-SUB only.

NTP Stratum 1 Time Server

By implementation of up to two (2) NTP LAN Board(s) 7273(RC) or NTP LAN Board(s) 7274(RC) System 6844SUB becomes a highly accurate NTP Stratum 1 Time Server for synchronization of computers and industrial networks.

Master Clock
100 Items

Data sheet content

Time server

Type of time server
Power supplies
110VDC (60 – 160VDC) , 85 – 264VAC (50Hz / 60Hz) , 125 – 250VDC
power supplies feature
redundant power inputs for connection of one power sources , single power supply , DC voltage redundant power inputs
Extension slots
Over 10 extension slots
Time Server Protocol
Installation Method
1U fully modular subrack for 19-inch rack mounting , 3U-Version
Master Clock


Time server

Type of time server GPS
Power supplies 110VDC (60 – 160VDC), 85 – 264VAC (50Hz / 60Hz), 125 – 250VDC
power supplies feature redundant power inputs for connection of one power sources, single power supply, DC voltage redundant power inputs
Extension slots Over 10 extension slots
Time Server Protocol (NTP / SNTP), IRIG-B, DCF77, PPS, PPM, PPH
Installation Method 1U fully modular subrack for 19-inch rack mounting , 3U-Version
Master Clock Yes