HOP28115 DVB-T modulator
HOP28120 Multi-Channel CI Receiver is a HOUPER’s new design which integrates demodulation and de-scrambler in one case to convert RF signals into TS output after re-mux. It is a 1-U case which supports Max 2 demodulation modules. The 2 CAMs/CIs accompanied in each demodulation module can decrypt programs inputting from encrypted RF, ASI and IP. The CAM requires NO unsightly external power cords, cables, or additional remote control device.BISS function is also embedded to descramble programs from any input.To meet customers’ various requirements, Each demodulation module of HOP28120 is also equipped with 1 ASI in and 16 IP inputs for re-mux, and output 1 MPTS and 16 SPTS with 1 ASI out port and 1 data port.