HOUPER brendinin məhsullarının siyahısı

Houper Korporasiyası şəbəkə, məlumat mərkəzi, aşağı cərəyan sistemləri, telekommunikasiya, mühafizə və təhlükəsizlik sahəsində geniş və müxtəlif məhsullar istehsal edən Kanada brendidir. Bu Kanada brendi çox güclü mühəndislik, eləcə də əla dəstək xidmətləri ilə keyfiyyətli məhsullar istehsal edərək yaxşı bazar qazana bilib. 

Müştərilərə Houper xidmətlərinin göstərilməsi ümumiyyətlə eksklüzivdir, və sərfəli paketlər şəklində təklif edilir. Bundan əlavə, Houper layihələrin ehtiyac duyduğu infrastruktur üçün çox yaxşı konsaltinq xidmətləri göstərir.

Houper məhsulları müxtəlifliyi və bütün növ protokollarla inteqrasiya etmək, yüksək keyfiyyətli və güclü aparatlardan istifadə etmək qabiliyyəti ilə xüsusi yer qazanıb. Məhsulların çeşidi çox böyükdür və ümumiyyətlə müştərilərin istəklərinə uyğun olaraq dəyişdirilə və inkişaf etdirilə bilər. Houper məhsullarının əksəriyyəti moduldurdır, və total solution kimi bütün növ layihələr üçün tam həllər təqdim edir.

  • Bütün növ telekommunikasiya avadanlıqları
  • Bütün növ şəbəkə və Transmissiya avadanlıqlar
  • Məlumat mərkəzi avadanlıqlarının növləri
  • Hər növ qoruyucu və mühafizə vasitələri
  • Hər növ təhlükəsizlik texnikası
  • Hər növ smart avadanlıq və IOT
  • Tüm Houper ürünü görüntüle

106 məhsul var.

Houper HOU-MDT836099 metal detector rocket has many uses in entrances and public places. It prevents the hot and cold weapons such as guns and knives to be carried into such places. Two rechargeable batteries is in the handheld metal detector rocket to provide the necessary energy for the operation of the device. This feature allows the metal detector rocket to be powered directly by charging the batteries without the need for an external power source. Sensitivity of handheld metal detector racket shows the responsiveness of the device in detecting various metals. The main purpose of having a sensitive metal detector rocket is accurate and reliable detection of various metals.

Houper HOU-MDT836100 metal detector rocket has many uses in entrances and public places. It prevents the hot and cold weapons such as guns and knives to be carried into such places. Damp-proof sensitivity adjusting feature of Gates manual metal detector rocket allows the user to adjust the sensitivity to humidity. If the battery drop down to a low voltage, it may show some errors, and it may not function properly. With an independent low voltage battery system, the device can function properly even when the battery voltage drops to a low level. Another important feature of Gates manual metal detector rocket is its shield. This means that the device has a protective cover that prevents electromagnetic interference and other electronic noise.

Houper HOUF-1298W smart ONT modem has XGPON technology with 2.5 GB uplink capable of 10 GB download on a fiber optic to connect to OLT.  With support of wireless generation 6 and 5 dB power on MIMO antennas, a 2.5 GB port, 3 1 GB ports, a VOIP phone port, and CATV with very advanced settings, this is one of the extraordinary smart modems at the international level. Powerful 5 dB antennas, MU-MIMO antennas in two bands of 2.4 and 5 GHz, and unique wireless and VOIP capabilities make the modem a fantastic device. The CATV port for transmitting and displaying TV channels, and the telephone port

Houper X-ray baggage scanner part number HOU-XB5001 is used in public places, especially in airports, train stations and hospitals, in order to provide security, and prevent dangerous objects from carrying into such places. X-ray baggage scanner benefit from X-ray technology to scan and check the contents of passengers\' luggage. It is also equipped with Single energy technology, meaning it sends a single level of X-rays energy to the objects inside the luggage or bag. It also has the capability of Digital Signal and Processor (DSP), which is used to process digital signals. X-ray baggage scanner has advanced imaging algorithms, Mage Recall, which can identify objects that are unrecognizable by humans.

Houper X-ray baggage scanner, part number HOU-XB5005, is used in public places, especially in airports, train stations and hospitals, in order to maintain security, and prevent dangerous objects from carrying to such places. X-ray baggage scanner is equipped with double energy capability, meaning it benefits from two different energy sources in the x-ray scanning system technology. In this technology, two sources of energy with different spectra of X-rays are used. The energy sources usually include low-energy X-rays and high-energy X-rays. In addition, using a digital signal, it converts the information received from the X-ray to a digital signal. Then, analyzes the signals using a processor.

Houper X-ray baggage scanner, part number HOU-XB5010 is used in public places, especially in airports, train stations and hospitals, in order to maintain security, and prevent dangerous objects to be carried into such places. Houper X-ray baggage scanner is equipped with double energy technology, which means it can benefit from two different energy levels the simultaneously to detect objects inside luggage and equipment. Using this technology, it can analyze materials with high accuracy, and detect prohibited objects, weapons, explosives and other dangerous substances. It also has a 17-inch screen that allows the operator to carefully review images and identify suspicious objects. It has Mage Archive technology, to manage and store X-ray images.

Houper X-ray baggage scanner, part number HOU-XB5010 is used in public places, especially in airports, train stations and hospitals, in order to provide security and prevent dangerous objects to be carried into such places. Houper X-ray baggage scanner is equipped with double energy technology, meaning it benefits from two different energy sources to scan luggage and waybills. In addition, it has two screens that simultaneously display images from two different angles of bags and loads. Using stripping technology, it removes different layers of the bag to access the inner contents. It has a process to analyze the images created by the X-ray baggage scanner with the help of advanced algorithms. Using such algorithms, blind spots of the image are detected and removed automatically.

Houper X-ray baggage scanner, part number HOU-XB5021 is used in public places, especially in airports, train stations and hospitals, in order to provide security, and prevent dangerous objects to be carried into such places. It is equipped with double energy technology. The technology allows the simultaneous radiation of two different types of X-ray energy on objects. In addition, it has an energy saving design technology to reduce the energy consumption of the device. Such technologies include the optimal design of systems, the use of high-performance electronic components, and renewable energy sources such as solar cells and rechargeable batteries. It can detect the potential problems and errors in the system using advanced data analysis techniques and intelligent algorithms.

Houper X-ray baggage scanner, part number HOU-XB5022, is used in public places, especially in airports, train stations and hospitals, in order to provide security, and prevent dangerous objects to be carried into such places. It has a parameter that includes a set of various measures and technologies to reduce energy consumption during the operation. It also has dual energy capability; one of the X-ray sources with lower energy is used for imaging rigid objects such as metals, while the other source with higher energy is used for imaging soft and non-metallic objects. Using advanced algorithms and filters, it improves scanned images by automatic enhancement of dim and low-definition details. One of its features is the ability to save images for future use.

HOUP-R31354L geniş təhlükəsizlik radaridir ki, 60 metr dərinliyə qədər hədəfi aşkar edə bilir. Bu radar hədəf müdafiə zonasına daxil olduqda onu aşkar edir və xəbərdarlıq edir, eyni zamanda video analitika və nəzarət texnologiyası ilə inteqrasiyanı dəstəkləyir. Şəbəkəyə qoşulduqda PoE ilə enerji təmin edir. Yüksək aşkarlama dəqiqliyi təmin edən FMCW modulyasiya rejimindən istifadə edir. Radar, sistemin anti-jamming qabiliyyətini əhəmiyyətli dərəcədə artıran unikal Rəqəmsal Şüa Formalaşdırma (DBF) texnologiyasını tətbiq edir. Yüksək dəqiqlikli bucaq ayırma qabiliyyətinə malikdir.