
421 məhsul var.

HOP5863-24X2c açarında 10G tutumlu 24 port və 100G tutumlu 2 port var. Açar HOUPER şirkəti tərəfindən istehsal olunur. HOP5863 seriyalı əsas açarlardan biridir. O, böyük şəbəkələri mümkün qədər idarə etməyə kömək edən gözəl avadanlıqdır. Bir neçə cihazın inteqrasiya olunmuş idarə edilməsinə, təkmilləşdirilməsinə və texniki xidmətinə nail olmaq üçün elastik məcmu performansa dəstək bu avadanlığın xüsusi xidmətidir. Enerji istehlakında və ventilyatorda artıqlıq fasiləsiz şəbəkə yaratmağa imkan verir. Bu açari şəbəkənin əsas qatına yerləşdirməklə siz şəbəkənizi yüksək təhlükəsizlik, performans və asan konfiqurasiya ilə idarə edə bilərsiniz.

HOP6865-56YC açarında 25G tutumlu 48 port və 100G tutumlu 8 port var. Açar HOUPER şirkəti tərəfindən istehsal olunur. HOP6865 seriyalı əsas açarlardan biridir. Böyük şəbəkələr üçün 4T kommutasiya qabiliyyəti xüsusi proqramlar üçün son dərəcə yüksək bant genişliyi istifadə tələblərinə cavab verməyə imkan verir. Zəngin xidmət xüsusiyyətlərinin dəstəyi, L2, L3, MPLS, VxLAN, OAM/APS, təhlükəsizlik xüsusiyyətləri və fanatların sayı və elektrik enerjisi cihazın modul dizaynı istənilən şəbəkə menecerini öz core şəbəkəsində bu gözəl avadanlıqdan istifadə etməyə inandırır. 

Houper HOUF-1GS fiber optic modem is equipped with XPON and GPON/EPON technology for FTTH. It allows you to connect to fiber optic networks. This high-quality and cheap modem has 1 Gigabit Ethernet port. It is produced for use in administrative centers, businesses, organizations, and institutions that require cable network communication, and wireless modem interference occurs; or connection to a wireless modem for all users or a router for Internet subscription is suitable for all switches and infrastructures. Houper HOUF-1GS fiber optic modem supports standard image, voice and data protocols. 

Houper HOUF-2GVDW fiber optic modem is equipped with GPON/EPON technology. It allows you to connect to fiber optic networks. It has 2 Gigabit Ethernet ports. It can connect to a single or dual-band wireless network, with AC802.11 WiFi5 standard at a speed of 1200 Mbps. In addition, it has two USB ports for connecting external storage devices. Houper HOUF-2GVDW fiber optic modem supports standard image, voice and data protocols. Houper fiber optic modem has ZX279128S chipset and 1 GB DDR RAM, and 1 GB flash. The power required for the modem is provided by a DC to AC converter with SY8113BADC chipset.

NC8400-16CD,16-Port 100Gb QSFP28 Line Card, with 4x 400Gb QSFP-DD for Data Center Chassis Switch NC8400-4TH

The NC8400-16CD Ethernet line card supports 16x 40/100G QSFP28 ports and 4x 400G QSFP-DD, offering line-rate forwarding from all ports. The QSFP28 ports are backward compatible with QSFP+ modules. Enabling it to meet the demand for growing high-bandwidth and service. This line card supports high availability and is ideal for different scenarios of data center networks.

Houper X-ray baggage scanner, part number HOU-XB5010 is used in public places, especially in airports, train stations and hospitals, in order to maintain security, and prevent dangerous objects to be carried into such places. Houper X-ray baggage scanner is equipped with double energy technology, which means it can benefit from two different energy levels the simultaneously to detect objects inside luggage and equipment. Using this technology, it can analyze materials with high accuracy, and detect prohibited objects, weapons, explosives and other dangerous substances. It also has a 17-inch screen that allows the operator to carefully review images and identify suspicious objects. It has Mage Archive technology, to manage and store X-ray images.

The continuous and accurate measurement of temperature and humidity is very important due to the high sensitivity of data centers environment to temperature and humidity. Therefore, with very accurate measuring devices, the necessary signals are constantly given to the system for the required controls. The W0N-0297 humidity sensor is used in the Schneider brand INROW ACRC602P cooler. It can be installed on a special base. This sensor converts the humidity of the environment into an electrical signal. It provides control circuits to adjust the humidity of the environment by activating or deactivating the fans. The cable length of the sensor is about 0.5 meters.

Houper Metal detection device, part number HOU-MDT836103-4, has many uses in entrances and public places. It can prevent contaminated materials, narcotics, and cold and hot weapons such as guns and knives to be carried into such places. Substance detection devices in public places usually use technologies such as odor detection, radio wave detection, and X-ray detection. High sensitivity in the material detection device means the detection of the smallest amount of substance. This feature allows the detection of substances at very low and sensitive levels which is not doable by other equipment. The high-speed VUV light soft ionization technique is used in the substance detection device. This technique uses a VUV light to produce very high infrared rays.

Houper shoe metal detector, part number HOU-MDT836102, can be widely used in entrances and public places. It prevents the hot and cold weapons such as guns and knives to be carried into such places. It is small in size and easy to use. It is also used to detect small metal objects such as needles and sewing needles. In addition, by using various technologies, including metal detectors, and sound and video intensifiers, it can accurately and quickly identify metal objects in shoes. It has a simple interface feature for users. In the shoe security check device, this feature allows the user to easily understand and use the device without the need for technical knowledge.

Houper HOU-MDT836101 metal detection rocket is important in mining industry in looking for metals. It has many uses. Its system includes an electronic device that can accurately detect metals using electromagnetic waves and special sensors. The working principle of the system is based on measuring the changes of magnetic field created by metals. In the handheld metal detector racket, Ground Balance Controls allow the user to adjust the level of ground effect. The controls usually have several modes allowing the user to change the sensitivity to ground signals. Disc Control allows the user to distinguish various types of metals from each other. By adjusting the control, the user can select the metals they are looking for, and exclude other metals.

Houper HOU-MDT836100 metal detector rocket has many uses in entrances and public places. It prevents the hot and cold weapons such as guns and knives to be carried into such places. Damp-proof sensitivity adjusting feature of Gates manual metal detector rocket allows the user to adjust the sensitivity to humidity. If the battery drop down to a low voltage, it may show some errors, and it may not function properly. With an independent low voltage battery system, the device can function properly even when the battery voltage drops to a low level. Another important feature of Gates manual metal detector rocket is its shield. This means that the device has a protective cover that prevents electromagnetic interference and other electronic noise.

Houper HOU-MDT836099 metal detector rocket has many uses in entrances and public places. It prevents the hot and cold weapons such as guns and knives to be carried into such places. Two rechargeable batteries is in the handheld metal detector rocket to provide the necessary energy for the operation of the device. This feature allows the metal detector rocket to be powered directly by charging the batteries without the need for an external power source. Sensitivity of handheld metal detector racket shows the responsiveness of the device in detecting various metals. The main purpose of having a sensitive metal detector rocket is accurate and reliable detection of various metals.