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56 məhsul var.

Trafik monitorinqi şəhərsalma və idarəetmənin mühüm aspektidir. Qabaqcıl kompozit görüntü korporasiyası (ACIC) qabaqcıl texnologiyadan istifadə edərək trafikin monitorinqi üçün qabaqcıl həll yolu hazırlayıb. Bu sistem real vaxt trafik məlumatlarını tutmaq və təhlil etmək üçün qabaqcıl təsvir üsullarından və kompüter görmə alqoritmlərindən istifadə edir. ACIC-in trafik monitorinq həlli bir neçə əsas xüsusiyyət təklif edir.

ACIC kompozit şəkilləri kateqoriyalara ayırmaq və onların fərdi xüsusiyyətlərini müəyyən etmək üçün izdiham nömrələməsindən istifadə edir. Bu, kompleks kompozit nümunələrin səmərəli indeksləşdirilməsinə, axtarışına və təhlilinə imkan verir və cəlb olunan materialların hərtərəfli başa düşülməsinə kömək edir. Bundan əlavə, izdihamin nömrələnməsi kompozitlər daxilində təkrarlanan tendensiyaların və anormallıqların müəyyən edilməsini asanlaşdırır və potensial narahatlıq sahələrini dəqiqliklə müəyyən etməyə imkan verir. Xülasə, izdihamın nömrələnməsi ACIC-də mühüm rol oynayır, mürəkkəb kompozit təsvirlərin təşkilini və başa düşülməsini artırır və qabaqcıl kompozitlər sahəsində tədqiqat və inkişaf səylərinin irəliləməsinə kömək edir.

İnsanların sayılması ACIC-in pərakəndə satış, nəqliyyat və qonaqpərvərlik kimi sektorlarda fəaliyyət göstərən müştəriləri üçün mühüm aspektə çevrilib. ACIC qabaqcıl kompüter görmə alqoritmləri və maşın öyrənmə üsullarından istifadə edən ən müasir insan sayma sistemini inkişaf edib. Bu sistem insanları real vaxt rejimində dəqiq aşkarlayır və izləyir, piyadaların hərəkəti, doluluq nisbətləri və müştəri davranışı haqqında dəyərli məlumatlar təqdim edir. ACIC-in insan sayma həlli fərdiləşdirilə bilən xüsusiyyətlər, istifadəçi dostu interfeyslər və mövcud infrastrukturla qüsursuz inteqrasiya təklif edir, və müştərilərə əməliyyatlarını optimallaşdırmaq və müştəri təcrübələrini təkmilləşdirmək üçün təsirli məlumatlar təqdim edir.

Houper metal detector, part number HOU-WM6009 is important in entrances and public places. It which prevents carrying all kinds of cold and hot weapons such as guns, knives, cartridges and grenades into such places. The metal detector is equipped with 33 detection zone technology. Each zone in the gates has sensors that can detect metals. Thanks to the large number of detection zones, the gates can detect more accurately and sensitively the location of metals. In addition, the metal detector has an LCD Display panel, which contains a matrix of metal cells that can produce images and symbols. The camera shooting feature detects metallic objects and take photos of them. It detects the amount of metals in a place, using electromagnetic waves.

Houper metal detector, part number HOU-WM6001 has many uses in entrances and public places. The LEC display can clearly display information such as the type and the amount of metal, and its location in the person\'s body without the need to directly view it on the device. It can also count the number of people who pass through the gate, and store the information about people, objects and metals. By using the Single zone feature, you can remove unnecessary noises. The anti-interference mechanical technology deal with mechanical interferences.  This technology benefits from the vibration absorption and analysis systems to identify and prevent mechanical interference. This artificial intelligence device also has the ability to learn and predict.

Houper Metal detector, part number HOU-WM6002, has various applications in entrances and public places. It is equipped with 6 detecting zone technology. Each zone can be adjusted separately. It accurately determine where the metal is located in human body. Using electromagnetic waves and related physical principles, the system can distinguish and separate metallic materials from non-metallic materials such as wood, plastic or stone. In addition, the device has a sensitivity option, and you can adjust the sensitivity of the device. By increasing the number, the device can detect smaller metals. Its Intelligent Statistics capability can detect metals with high accuracy, by analyzing statistical data and information provided by metal detection systems.

Houper metal detector, part number HOU-WM6004, is used as a security tool in public places to prevent the entry of dangerous metal objects and hot and cold weapons such as guns, knives, cartridges into such places. The device is equipped with infrared technique. It can detect the availability of metals by infrared radiation to a metal object. It is also equipped with six detecting zones technology. The technology includes six detection zones located in the body of the device. Each area has electromagnetic sensors capable of detecting and recording the metals in that area. By using this feature, the device can show the exact position of metals at any point. The sensitivity of the device can be adjusted between 0-99. By increasing its number, the device is able to detect smaller metals.

Houper X-ray baggage scanner, part number HOU-XB5022, is used in public places, especially in airports, train stations and hospitals, in order to provide security, and prevent dangerous objects to be carried into such places. It has a parameter that includes a set of various measures and technologies to reduce energy consumption during the operation. It also has dual energy capability; one of the X-ray sources with lower energy is used for imaging rigid objects such as metals, while the other source with higher energy is used for imaging soft and non-metallic objects. Using advanced algorithms and filters, it improves scanned images by automatic enhancement of dim and low-definition details. One of its features is the ability to save images for future use.

Hopper metal detector, part number HOU-WM6005, is important in entrances and public places. It prevents hot and cold weapons such as guns, knives, cartridges and grenades to be carried into such places. The device benefits from detection speed of user-defined adjustment. It can check out 100 people per minute and detect metal materials. In addition, it is equipped with 18 Detecting Zone technology, which is one of the most advanced technologies available in metal detectors. Thanks to a large number of sensors and detection zones, the technology can detect metals with high accuracy and, determine their location accurately. The metal detector has an advanced technique used in metal detection technologies.

Hooper metal detector, part number HOU-WM6006, is used as a security tool in public places to prevent the  dangerous metal objects, hot and cold weapons such as guns, knives, cartridges to be carried into such places. The metal detector is equipped with 18 detecting zones technology that helps the user to identify the exact location of various metals inside objects. The 18 independent zones have adjustable sensitivity, allowing the user to set up the sensitivity for each zone independently. In addition, the metal detector is equipped with counting the total people technology. It helps managers and operators to easily and accurately see the number of people who are checked out by the metal detectors in a certain period of time.

Houper metal detector, part number HOU-WM6007, is important in entrances and public places. It prevents all kinds of hot and cold weapons such as guns, knives, cartridges and grenades to be carried into such places. The metal detector is equipped with 24 detection zone technology that can detect small and more sensitive metal objects. By dividing the areas into smaller sections, it can detect small changes in the output signals; and thus detect smaller metal objects. The metal detector has an LCD screen that allows the user to view and understand the metal detection information easily. In addition, it is equipped with EMC capabilities, meaning it can operate in an electromagnetic environment without interferences with other devices or systems.

Houper metal detector, part number HOU-WM6008 is important in entrances and public places. It prevents all kinds of hot and cold weapons such as guns, knives, cartridges and grenades to be carried into such places. The metal detector is equipped with 24 detection zone technology. It is usually installed vertically from top to bottom of the system and works simultaneously. Each detection zone is responsible for detecting metals in a specific part of human body. It operates through electromagnetic sensors. When sensors check a part of the body, that part produces electromagnetic energy that is immediately detected by the detection system. Sensitivity in Metal detector is its ability to detect and distinguish small to large metal objects.