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Huawei brendinin məhsullarının siyahısı
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 1988-ci ildə təsis edilib. O, tədqiqat və inkişaf (R&D), rabitə avadanlığının istehsalı və marketinqi, optik, stasionar, mobil və məlumat rabitəsi şəbəkələrində telekommunikasiya operatorları üçün fərdiləşdirilmiş şəbəkə həlləri üzrə ixtisaslaşmış yüksək texnologiyalı şirkətdir. Huawei məhsullarını aşağıdakı kateqoriyalara bölmək olar: Sabit şəbəkə, mobil şəbəkə, məlumat rabitəsi, optik şəbəkə, proqram təminatı və xidmətlər və mobil terminallar --- müxtəlif kommutasiya diapazonunda, vahid giriş şəbəkəsi, NGN, xDSL, optik nəqliyyat, intellektual şəbəkə, dəstək şəbəkəsi, GSM, GPRS, W- CDMA, cdma2000 1x, LAN marşrutlaşdırıcıları və kommutatorın tam seriyası, telekommunikasiya texnologiyasının digər əsas sahələrinə video konfrans. Ən əsası, Huawei məhsulları müstəqil dizayn edilmiş ASIC çiplərinə əsaslanır. Onun ASIC dizayn qabiliyyəti bütün dünyada bu sahədə ən qabaqcıllardan biridir. Bu, Huawei-yə müştərilərinin ehtiyaclarını əvvəldən axıra, çipdən şəbəkəyə qədər nəzərə almağa imkan verir. Huawei-nin 22.000 işçisi arasında 46 faizi tədqiqat və inkişafla məşğuldur. Hər il Huawei satışdan əldə etdiyi gəlirin 10%-dən az hissəsini tədqiqat və inkişafa yatırır.
Huawei SmartAX MA5608T OLT
H801XGBC is a 4-port 10G GPON OLT Interface Board. It works with the 10G GPON optical network terminal (ONT) to provide 10G GPON access service.
Huawei SmartAX MA5600T is the global first OLT which integrates the functionality of aggregation switch and edge router. It can provide high-density GPON, 10GPON and Ethernet P2P optical access, triple play service, TDM/ATM/Ethernet leased line services for business customers and high precision clock, and high-density GE/10GE interfaces for cascading remote access equipments. MA5600T helps to simplify network architecture, to improve network reliability and lower TCO essentially.
The MA5603T is the Huawei SmartAX MA5600T model, providing 13 slots. Huawei SmartAX MA5600T is the global first OLT which integrates the functionality of aggregation switch and edge router. It can provide high-density GPON, 10GPON and Ethernet P2P optical access, triple play service, TDM/ATM/Ethernet leased line services for business customers and high precision clock, and high-density GE/10GE interfaces for cascading remote access equipments. MA5600T helps to simplify network architecture, to improve network reliability and lower TCO essentially.
Huawei SmartAX MA5608T OLT
The MA5608T is the Huawei SmartAX MA5600T model, providing 5 slots. Huawei SmartAX MA5600T is the global first OLT which integrates the functionality of aggregation switch and edge router. It can provide high-density GPON, 10GPON and Ethernet P2P optical access, triple play service, TDM/ATM/Ethernet leased line services for business customers and high precision clock, and high-density GE/10GE interfaces for cascading remote access equipments. MA5600T helps to simplify network architecture, to improve network reliability and lower TCO essentially.
with fan, 1*MPWD, 1*MCUD1
Huawei SmartAX MA5800 X2 OLT is the industry’s first distributed architecture intelligent aggregation OLT platform, positioned as the next-generation OLT for NG-PON. The MA5800-X2 has three characteristics of ultra-wideband, full convergence, and intelligence to meet the needs of the development of ultra-wideband networks that are wider, faster, and smarter, and to provide users with a better business connection experience. Help customers build a “broader, faster, smarter” access network to provide a better business experience.Huawei MA5800 X2 is a next generation, 40G capacity Optical line Terminal (OLT).
Huawei SmartAX MA5800 X7 OLT is 19inch, with 6U height 7 service slots, 200G throughput per slot, support GPON, 10G PON, 40G/100G PON ready. The single-frame can meet 32,000 households with 100-megabit non-blocking access and enjoy 4K TV. To ensure 100 Mbps non-blocking access per user in the 4K era, Huawei MA5800-X7 new-generation OLT should have ultra-wideband, large-capacity 4K video access aggregation capability, and single-slot switching capacity needs to reach 400 Gbps, which means that each slot Can support 16x10G PON, 4x40G PON and 2x100G PON non-blocking access, the entire OLT system can achieve 320,000 home 100M non-blocking enjoy 4K TV.
MA5800-X15 is the industry\'s first intelligent aggregation OLT with a distributed architecture that is positioned as the next-generation OLT for NG-PON. The product is designed to help operators create networks with more bandwidth, higher speeds and smarter connectivity with better service. The OLT terminal provides access to GPON, 10G PON, including XG-PON and XGS-PON, and P2P 10GE/GE. It supports deployment in FTTH, FTTD, FTTB, and FTTC networks , and is applicable in scenarios such as home access, enterprise access, and wireless Internet access to combine all services into a single fiber network. The MA5800-X15 functions as a high capacity aggregation device in the network.
Huawei SmartAX MA5800 X17 OLT is 21inch with 11U height 17 service slots, 200G throughput per slot, supporting GPON, 10G PON, 40G/100G PON ready. Huawei SmartAX MA5800 X17 OLT is a 4K/8K/VR Ready OLT in the Gigabit Ultra-wide era. It adopts a distributed architecture and supports PON/10G PON/GE/10GE common platform. The MA5800 supports multi-media Gigabit aggregation, optimal 4K/8K/VR video experience, multi-service virtualization common platform, and smooth evolution of 50G PON.
Huawei XEHD 10G Service Board is 8-port 10G EPON interface board. Huawei proposes an innovative 10GPON solution, relying on the industry’s only distributed architecture OLT product MA5800, combined with the industry’s higher density 10GPON board and GPON & 10GPON united board, supporting innovative 10GPON terminal products, providing a better 4K/8K video experience. At the same time, it will simplify network engineering, reduce network construction costs, support smooth evolution, and help operators rapidly deploy Gigabit services.
Huawei XELD 10G Service Board is 8 Ports10GE Epon Service card for Huawei MA5680 OLT
Huawei XGBD 10G Service Board is an 8-port 10G GPON interface card and provides 10G GPON service access for ONT products. This board can maximum access 8*256 10G GPON subscribers. Huawei OLT is the global first optical line terminal which integrates the functionality of the aggregation switch and edge router. It can provide high-density GPON, 10GPON and Ethernet P2P optical access, triple-play service, TDM/ATM/Ethernet leased line services for business customers and high precision clock, and high-density GE/10GE interfaces for cascading remote access equipment.
Huawei XGHD 10G Service Board is 8 port 10G GPON interface board, and it works with the 10G GPON ONT (Optical Network Terminal) device to implement 10G GPON service access. The MA5800 series of OLT is the latest and the most advanced OLT platform in the industry. It is designed to support continuing growth in bandwidth demand, wire-line and wireless access convergence, and migration toward SDN. The industry’s first 40 Gbit/s-capacity Next-Generation Optical Line Terminal (NG-OLT). Huawei’s SmartAX MA5800 multiple-service access module employs a distributed architecture to support ultra-broadband, Fixed Mobile Convergence (FMC) services, and smart capabilities, such as SDN-based virtualization.