محلل VibraSector يصل طول الكابل المشترك إلى 1.2 كم ويقتصر على 10 مناطق
  • محلل VibraSector يصل طول الكابل المشترك إلى 1.2 كم ويقتصر على 10 مناطق
  • محلل VibraSector يصل طول الكابل المشترك إلى 1.2 كم ويقتصر على 10 مناطق

محلل VibraSector يصل طول الكابل المشترك إلى 1.2 كم ويقتصر على 10 مناطق

0.00 AED

يمثل VibraSector® من شركة Detection Technologies أحدث التطورات في مجال أنظمة اكتشاف اقتحام السياج والتي توفر موقعًا دقيقًا للأحداث المعادية التي تحدث في أي نقطة على طول محيط موقع محمي. يستخدم VibraSector® كابل استشعار VibraTek® المجرب والمختبر من شركة Detection Technologies والذي تم تركيب أكثر من 250 كيلومترًا منه في بعض أكثر المواقع التي تهتم بالأمن في العالم بما في ذلك السجون والمطارات ومحطات الطاقة والمؤسسات العسكرية بالإضافة إلى العديد من المرافق الصناعية الحساسة.


Each VibraSector® analyser offers the ability to monitor up to 1000 metres of VibraTek® sensor cable which may be segmented into 100 sub-zones so that the location of intruder-related activity detected by the sensor cable may be identified to an accuracy of 1%. Each VibraSector® sub-zone can be allocated it’s own set of detection parameters so that variations in fence quality and type may be accommodated within a single system without incurring false alarms or detection ‘blind spots’ that would be inevitable

without such flexibility. Unlike other systems claiming to offer intrusion point location capability, VibraSector® provides high quality audio verification in which audio signatures resulting from hostile events are stored in digital format so that they may be recalled and replayed from any remote location. This feature is a valuable tool that may be used by security staff to confirm received alarms as being the result of genuine intrusions.

VibraSector® is fully compatible with industry standard IP networks to ensure that integration and communication with a security management system is easily accomplished. All system configuration commands, alarm information and digital audio are accessible through the IP connection of each VibraSector® analyser.

Integration with legacy control equipment is achieved using the VibraSector® relay module in which a relay contact can beallocated to every detection sub-zone so that a simple, dry contact relay interface may be easily implemented.The unique properties of the VibraTek® sensor cable allows mixing and matching of ‘live’ sensor cable with ‘dead’ interconnecting cable so that non-sensitive areas may be inserted as required into the site perimeter while still maintaining the capability to protect up to 1000 metres of fence with ‘live’ sensor cable.

microphonic analyser
100 عناصر

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