جهاز تحليل الرف المتقدم من DuoTek لمعالجة إشارات الحماية الطرفية
  • جهاز تحليل الرف المتقدم من DuoTek لمعالجة إشارات الحماية الطرفية
  • جهاز تحليل الرف المتقدم من DuoTek لمعالجة إشارات الحماية الطرفية
  • جهاز تحليل الرف المتقدم من DuoTek لمعالجة إشارات الحماية الطرفية
  • جهاز تحليل الرف المتقدم من DuoTek لمعالجة إشارات الحماية الطرفية

جهاز تحليل الرف المتقدم من DuoTek لمعالجة إشارات الحماية الطرفية

0.00 AED

يوفر تصميم نظام DuoTek Rack معالجة مركزية للإشارات ويزيل الحاجة إلى تركيب وحدات إلكترونية نشطة في الحقل. يتم توجيه الإشارات التي تولدها كابلات استشعار VibraTek Plus إلى نظام محلل DuoTek Rack باستخدام كابلات مجدولة بسيطة وموثوقة. تعني هذه القدرة عدم وجود متطلب لتثبيت كابلات الطاقة أو اتصالات الإنذار على طول المحيط حيث يتم التحكم في جميع عمليات معالجة الإشارات واتصالات الإنذار بواسط نظام DuoTek Rack والذي يمكن وضعه في نقطة مركزية واحدة في الموقع حيث توجد البنية الأساسية اللازمة بالفعل. يتناقض تصميم DuoTek Rack مع الأنظمة التي توفر معالجة الإشارات الموزعة حيث يتم وضع محللي إشارات كابلات الاستشعار على فترات منتظمة على طول محيط الموقع. تتطلب مثل هذه التكوينات تكاليف تركيب كبيرة من خلال طلب توفير كابلات الطاقة والاتصالات اللازمة لدعم مثل هذه الأنظمة.


يتم تمكين بنية DuoTek Rack القوية والمرنة من خلال الميزات الفريدة لكابل مستشعر VibraTek Plus الذي يسمح بوضع ما يصل إلى 2500 متر من الكابل غير الحساس بين منطقة كابل المستشعر وبطاقة قناة محلل الإشارة الخاصة به. ميزة أخرى ومهمة لهندسة DuoTek Rack هي تقديم موثوقية محسنة بشكل كبير من خلال القضاء على تعرض إلكترونيات النظام للضغوط البيئية مثل درجات الحرارة والرطوبة الشديدة.

Such configurations incur significant installation costs by requiring the provision of power and communications cabling necessary to support such systems.® DuoTek Rack´s powerful and flexible architecture is made possible by the unique features of the VibraTek Plus sensor cable which allows up to 2500 meters of non-sensitive cable to be interposed between a zone of sensor cable and it's signal analyzer channel card.A further and significant advantage of DuoTek Rack´s architecture is to offer greatly enhanced reliability by eliminating exposure of the system electronics to environmental stresses such as extremes of temperature and humidity.

The DuoTek® rack fence protection system from Detection Technologies Ltd. represents a major advance in perimeter intrusion detection technology by combining the most technologically advanced acoustic sensor cable available today with the latest digital signal processing techniques designed to maximise intruder detection probability while reducing unwanted alarms resulting from non-intruder related activity to virtually zero.

Operating in conjunction with Detection Technologies’ revolutionary VibraTek® Plus sensor cable, the DuoTek® rack fence protection system provides the end user with a cost-effective solution that ensures reliable detection of intrusion activity combined with an almost negligible false alarm rate.

System Architecture & Advantages

The architecture of the DuoTek® system offers centralised signal processing and eliminates the need to have active electronic modules installed in the field. Signals generated by the VibraTek® Plus sensor are routed to the DuoTek® rack analyser system using simple and reliable twisted pair cables.

This capability means that there is no requirement to install power or alarm communication cabling along the perimeter as all signal processing and alarm communications are controlled by a DuoTek® rack system which can be located at one central point on the site where the necessary infrastructure already exists.

DuoTek rack’s architecture contrasts with systems offering distributed signal processing where the sensor cable signal analysers are placed at regular intervals along the site perimeter. Such configurations incur significant installation costs by requiring the provision of power and communications cabling necessary to support such systems.

DuoTek® rack’s powerful and flexible architecture is made possible by the unique features of the VibraTek® Plus sensor which allows up to 2500 metres of non-sensitive cable to be interposed between a zone of sensor cable and it’s signal analyser channel card.

A further and significant advantage of DuoTek® rack’s architecture is to offer greatly enhanced reliability by eliminating exposure of the system electronics to environmental stresses such as extremes of temperature and humidity.

The architecture is also inherently resilient to the destructive effects of lightning strikes in the vicinity of the perimeter fence as the interconnecting cables used to route the VibraTek® Plus sensor signals to the DuoTek® rack analyser system effectively attenuate such transients to levels that are easily suppressed by the protective devices incorporated in every signal analyser channel.

All externally located components used in a DuoTek® rack system are entirely passive and comprise such components as junction boxes, cables, cable ties, and termination boxes. As such, these components are unaffected by exposure to almost every extreme of environmental conditions.


The DuoTek® rack signal analyser system employs advanced digital signal processing to ensure maximum probability of detection allied with a negligible false alarm rate.

Each detection zone provides three channels of signal processing which address the characteristics of the most common types of attacks on perimeter fence structures.

These modes of attack may be characterised as follows:

Cut-through attacks using tools such as bolt cutters, wire cutters, axes, or hammers and chisels.

Unaided or rope aided climb-over attacks.

Power tool attacks using grinders, saws, or drills.

Each of these channels of signal processing provides independent detection parameter adjustments to ensure optimum performance by eliminating compromise settings commonly found on less advanced systems with limited processing power.

Digital & Analogue Audio Monitoring

The DuoTek® rack detection system incorporates a digital audio signature storage capability for every sensor cable zone. This powerful feature may be used to assist in the verification of alarm activations by allowing the recall and replay of the sensor audio signal before and after each alarm event. An analogue audio channel is also provided for every sensor cable zone.

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